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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tourney #6

SGM Mike James wins tourney #6! Congratulations!!

Speacial thanks goes out to Foxwoods Casino for donating fabulous prizes.

What a great tournament, ending with a classic Officer vs. Enlisted battle. MAJ Grimes took a valient second place to the SGM after a 15 minute long session of one on one combat. SGM James ended up going all in w/ A-9 off suit, MAJ Grimes called (I forgot what he had); however, SGM James' hand held up and took all of the tournament chips with Ace high.
Tourney #6 Top 10:
  1. Mike James
  2. Steve Grimes
  3. Kenneth Barnett
  4. Judd Lyons
  5. John Dunaway
  6. Steven Luker
  7. Barcan
  8. Eric Hutley
  9. James Milton
  10. Ed Wingard

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