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Monday, May 7, 2007

Season II Championship

Put the women and children to bed. Light your cigar and head to the tiki bar because we have a winner for the Season II Camp Phoenix No Limit Hold'em Championship. He goes by the name Command Sergeant Major Mike "Cigars & Tiki Bars" James. He played a fabulous round of poker from start to finish. The winning hand was James' A-J of hearts vs Airman Parks A-10 off suit. James hit the Jack on the flop and the rest is history. Mike shook hands, signed the felt and had his picture taken as the final winner for "The Poker Force" of Task Force Phoenix V. It was a good day. Congrats Mike on the victory, well deserved!
Season II Champion: CSM Mike "Cigars & Tiki Bars" James....Congratulations Mike!

2nd Place: Airman David "no nickname" Parks

3rd Place: CDR Rick "The Commander" Howard

4th Place: Airman Todd "last chance" Lance

5th Place: Gavriloaea "mad Romanian with a pretty mustache"

6th Place: SFC Steve "Skywalker" Luker

7th Place: SSG Eric "Hut the Mut" Hutley

8th Place: MAJ Steve "Dangerous & Deadly" Grimes

9th Place: 1LT Ryan "the Groom" McBride

10th Place: 1LT John Stephens